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Renowned Speakers

Michael L. Moritz

Professor of Pediatrics, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, PA USA

Rita P. Verma,

Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Director of Neonatal –Perinatal Medicine, Nassau University Medical Center, NY USA

Martínez Veronica

Hospital EI Algodonal, Caracas-Venezuela Venezuela


Senior Physician, Department of Neonatology Evangelisches Waldkrankenhaus Spandau, Berlin (DE) Germany

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About Conference

We are all welcome to every one of the members from the world to go to The "24th  Annual Congress on Neonatology & Pediatrics " which will be held on December 04, 05, 2023 Berlin, Germany around the Theme: "Promoting the new innovative thoughts in Neonatology & Pediatrics Research " which incorporates brief feature introductions, oral discussions, banner introductions and E-poster

The significance and importance can be measured by the way that it has made colossal headways of Pediatric and Neonatology throughout the process of things working out and is proceeding to impact different areas. The field of Pediatrics is developing quickly, and its advancement is having colossal effects in medication and Medical Sciences.

Pediatric and neonatal is proper for anybody working in the Pediatrics field, including Pediatricians, Neonatologists, Pediatrics Cardiologists, Physicians, Medical and Research Students, Dieticians, Neonatal Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Respiratory Therapists and anybody working with babies or Pediatrics.

Conference series LLC LTD organizes about over 1000 Global Events which are inclusive of the 400+ Conferences, 300+ Workshops and about 300+ Symposiums every year throughout the world across Asia-Pacific, Europe, & USA with the support of over 1000 scientific societies, while having already published about more than 500 open access journals containing over 50,000 eminent and reputed scientists as editorial board members.

The conference proceedings include Keynote speeches, Exhibition, Plenary talks, Workshops, Symposiums, Poster sessions, B2B networking and Panel discussions on the latest research developments in the field of Neonatology & Pediatrics

Session & Tracks

Track 1:-  Neonatology

Neonatology is a piece of Pediatrics that courses of action with the troublesome or debilitated infant youngsters. It is a remedial and recuperating focus which joins managing the new imagined new-born children; it is by and large rehearsed in neonatal Intensive consideration units. The foremost patients of neonatologists are babies who are sick or require unique clinical consideration because of rashness, low birth weight it can prompt host issues that require master mediations. Rehearsing specialist in the space of neonatology is alluded as Neonatologist.

Track 2:-  Perinatology

Maternal-fetal medication (MFM) (in like manner called Perinatology) is a piece of medication that revolves around managing thriving anxieties of the mother and lacking creature going previously, amidst, and not long after pregnancy. Maternal-fetal experts are experts who subspecialize inside the field of Obstetrics. They might perform pre-birth tests, give prescriptions, and do activities. They act both as a specialist amidst lower-risk pregnancies and as the key obstetrician in particularly high-chance pregnancies. A piece of the organizations given by the maternal-fetal master join diabetes care, the chiefs of various turns of events, and level II ultrasound of the undeveloped organism, chorionic villus reviewing, Genetic Amniocentesis, and fetal operation

Track 3:- Neonatal Intensive care Unit (NICUs)/Intensive Care Nursery (ICN)

The Neonatal Intensive care Unit (NICUs)/Intensive Care Nursery (ICN): supports high quality preventive and primary health care for all children, and for the reproductive health care of all women and their partners.

The focus for MCH is all women in their reproductive age groups, i.e., 15 - 49 years of age, children, school age population and adolescents. Neonatal is an adverse outcome, especially in the developing countries there is an increasing concern and interest in maternal and child health care.

Track 4:-  Neonatal Diseases

Many variables are answerable for the advancement of neonatal infections like family air tainting, regular elements and high maternal Body-Mass Index (BMI), which prompts neonatal mortality. Maternal Smoking, overweight in the midst of pregnancy is related with hazard of neonatal disease. Youngsters, especially preterm new-conceived kids are modestly resistant compromised with adolescence of the insusceptible framework and with exceptionally created antibodies prompts expanded weakness to genuine bacterial, viral and contagious contaminations.

Track 5:- Neonatal Infectious Diseases

Risk of infection are associated with the neonatal maternal  environmental factors. The study of these risk factors helps in preventing and managing various infectious diseases in the infants. Worldwide infectious disease still takes a major toll on pregnant women, their fetuses and children. Indeed, it has been estimated that 30–40% of neonatal deaths worldwide are associated with infectious disease. Even in the developed world, there remain considerable challenges for the obstetrician and neonatologist in the management of infectious disease during pregnancy and in the new born.

Track 6:-  Neonatal CNS Disorders

The focal sensory system of a creating fetal starts with a fundamental construction called the 'Neural Groove' that folds in to shape 'Neural Tube’. This by then structures into the spinal line and frontal cortex. By 28th day after origination, the neural cylinder to be closed and entwined. In the event that it doesn't close, the result is a neural cylinder deformity.

These disfigurements still up in the air in the midst of pregnancy in the vast majority of the cases by ultrasound checks and, with various tests, for instance, amniocentesis (separating an illustration of amniotic fluid).

  • Neonatal Cerebral Hemorrhage
  • Hypertonia
  • Neoplastic

Track 7:-  Pediatrics Nutrition and Metabolism

Food is the confirmation of food as per the body's dietary necessities. Unbelievable food recommends getting the fitting number of upgrades in the right mixes. Having sustenance information will assist you with achieving incredible thriving over your lifetime. Powerless Nutrition can prompts infection like Malnutrition, marasmus, Obesity, Anemia, Vitamins and Iron deficiency. Food and Metabolism associates with a wide extent of uses including invigorating essentials, Nutritional necessities, etc.

 Track 8:-  Neonatal Gastroenterology and Hepatology and Nutrition

Gastrointestinal issue in youngsters cluster from minor to perilous, and short-to long haul or interminable. Neonatal Jaundice is one of the most well-known conditions taking restorative consideration in infants. Gastrointestinalnourishment hypersensitivities  are not uncommon in kids and newborn children. Gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopic technique a pediatric endoscopy has become a fundamental methodology for estimation and treatment of gastrointestinal infections. Complex gastrointestinal medical procedure is one of the regular strategies to treat gastrointestinal issue in youngsters. The guideline illnesses worried about pediatric gastroenterology are gastritis, intense loose bowels, tenacious retching and issues with the improvement of the gastric tract. 

A ruptured appendix
New brought into the world stomach divider abandons
Pediatric gastric detour medical procedure 

Track 9:- Neonatal Nutrition and Maternal Factors

Further developing Maternal Nourishment is huge as it upgrades sound results for the two kids and mothers. Satisfactory food is fundamental in working on maternal, neonatal, kid prosperity perseverance. Pre-birth care and game-plan of free updates will generally work on maternal food and it prompts decline high rate maternal and kid under Nutrition and mortality. Moreover, maternal food is basic to ponder various pieces of direct changes and is logical expected to accomplish required thriving outcomes. Especially overhauling learning, self-sensibility, and impression of social rules as such diminishing the high speed of dreadfulness and saving the presences of mothers and adolescents.

  • An absence of capacity to focus reliably Disorder
  • Maternal sickliness
  • Diet-related non-adaptable ailments

Track: - 10 Neonatal Cardiology

Neonatal Cardiology is the fetal finding and treatment given for pregnant ladies in danger of or known to convey babies with heart issues. Neonatal heart conditions for the most part incorporates heart surrenders related with different kinds of malady, for example, diaphragmatic hernia, heart muscle sickness (cardiomyopathy) or contamination (myocarditis), Heart issues because of lung masses, and so forth.

Track 11:- Neonatal Rheumatology

An infection that impacts the muscle shortcoming, joints, a discharge on the eyelids and knuckles, Juvenile lupus and connective tissues. A couple, as degenerative joint agony others, as invulnerable framework issue, square measure structure issues. Normal Rheumatic problems are general lupus erythroderma, Polymyalgia Rheumatic, Behest’s infection, compelling disease. Lupus erythroderma may be a name given to a gathering of response sicknesses inside which the human framework becomes dynamic and assaults strong tissues. Pediatrics Rheumatology is solidly associated with the area of immunology, and the rheumatic infections consistently alluded as "Immune System" messes

  • Osteoporosis
  • Fundamental lupus erythematous

Track 12:-  Neonatal Genetics

The neonate born with a hereditary deformity or Fetal Inconsistency will be a task to the neonatal emergency unit. A proof based way to deal with the neonate who has a presumed hereditary peculiarity is fundamental to give precise finding and to direct progressing consideration.

Track 13:-   Vaccination and Immunization

Recently conceived children have a juvenile invulnerable framework that renders them at high danger for disease and they will be no reaction to the greater part of the Vaccines. Immunization is an antigenic arranging used to deliver dynamic resistance to an illness, to forestall the Contamination by any ordinary or "wild" microbes. Large numbers of the antibodies require different doses to show most extreme adequacy, or to help response that hazy spots after some time. For e.g., tetanus Vaccine Boosters are consistently recommended for each 10years. Antibody plans are made by government workplaces or specialist's gatherings to achieve most extreme viability required and proposed immunizations for a region while limiting the number

  • Diphtheria
  • Hepatitis B
  • Rota Virus

Track 14:-  Maternal and Child Care

Maternal therapeutic thought and treatment is of fundamental importance with regards to imagining and bringing forth solid youngster. Hence, ladies anticipating imagine should accept legitimate consideration of their wellbeing and should and would it be a good idea for them they need to visit a Gynecologist every once in a while. The term Infertility is applied to an unfit lady imagine generally inside a year. There are different present day clinical and creative movements which can fix barrenness and other pregnancy related issues. So legitimate clinical and nursing care is most extreme significant especially in the underlying phases of Maternity, Infants encountering outrageous afflictions are treated at Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU)

  • Post pregnancy care administration
  • Advancing regenerative wellbeing
  • Pre-birth care administrations

Track 15:-  Pediatric pulmonology

Pediatric pulmonology is a specialty that tends to children with breathing and lung problemsChildren's bodies are still developing and need special care to fix problems that affect their body. Pediatric pulmonologists are trained to look at young lungs and find and treat problems.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date December 04-05, 2023

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

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Speaker Opportunity

Past Conference Report

Supported By

Journal of Pregnancy and Neonatal Medicine Pediatrics & Health Research

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